Rosk/Art, Inc. officially formed in 1990 after founders, Rosemarie and Skip Smith incorporated their business to expand their creative services. The “Ro” and “Sk” / Art is a construct of their first names.
Having a life-long passion for art, Rosemarie pursued her degree from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. The Visual Communications courses were literally a “drawing board” curriculum, where artists were classically trained in all areas of fine and commercial art by many of the best professional artists in the industry. The skills acquired later migrated into digital media and the continuing utilization of programs through Adobe Creative Cloud and Corel platforms.
For the past 25 years, Rosemarie worked as a graphic artist as a freelance agent, as well as a 16-year staff member of the Greater Brandon Chamber of Commerce, responsible for in-house graphic design and monthly newsletter publications. In addition, Rosemarie created five cover illustrations for the Brandon Area Directory and Brandon Living, and numerous Membership Guide booklets. Both Rosemarie and Skip provided years of photographic services for events; with many of the published photos appearing in The Tampa Tribune, and Tampa Bay Times newspapers.
From an early age, Skip has pursued the craft of photography and studied electronics. His early teens were dedicated to learning photography from a professional who had been the Medical Examiner of Baltimore’s photographer before moving into his family’s studio business. Skip has worked for local newspapers, was photo editor of his college yearbook while attending a Commercial Art curriculum, was an Aerial Combat Documentation Photographer for the U.S. Air Force and has had his work published in newspapers and magazines world-wide. Experience with electronics has seen him familiarize himself with computers since the days of IBM’s mainframes in the 1970’s, through to today’s Personal Computers. He is experienced with designing, building, programming and deploying Linux and Microsoft servers and robust firewall systems to support local businesses since the early 1990’s.